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Phoenix Capital inaugurates Phoenix Innovation Center: a bridge between innovation, start-ups, industry, Venture Capital tools and players

Direct search for Venture Capital financing, implementation of Equity Crowdfunding campaigns, drafting and optimization of industrial plans and business plans, development of commercial and industrial partnerships, and also scouting of promising business ideas and implementation of operational support: Phoenix Capital, a management consultancy and business services hub, inaugurates the Phoenix Innovation Center to start and support innovation projects, becoming a bridge between the world of startups and innovative SMEs, industrial operators and venture capital tools.

Reducing distances, reducing risks, accelerating growth: these are the objectives with which this new Business Division was born which, by also being able to leverage the expertise of the other units of the Group, embodies the original vision of the Phoenix Group in enhancing the «development initiatives development» with a strong propensity for innovation and startup projects. Facilitator and accelerator, Phoenix Innovation Center is a hub of operational skills, a research and development center for the best innovative solutions to provide to customers, through – also – the in-house development of cutting-edge integrations capable of accelerating processes and enabling a rapid and profitable technological adaptation.

THE FOUNDATIONS – Thanks to the experience and skills gained in over 15 years of management consultancy activity in the financial ecosystem, Phoenix Capital has consolidated solid internal skills and a vast network of partners, stakeholders, and financial and industrial investors which it has deepened over time areas of interest and investment focus. The solidity of Corporate Finance skills combined with the specialization in the creation of Equity Crowdfunding campaigns, as well as the business advisory/project management capabilities and the implementation of effective and efficient operational full-services, have given rise to a structured asset of skills, methodologies and processes, tools and technologies to start and support the growth of one’s innovation projects.

Francesco Righetti, manager and director of Phoenix Innovation Center.

«The strength of the new Division is precisely the ability to connect two worlds which, in the Italian ecosystem, still struggle to meet today – underlines Francesco Righetti, manager and director of the Phoenix Innovation Center -. Investors, on the one hand, are looking for competitive and profitable startups and innovative projects quickly; on the other, startups and SMEs have difficulty finding operators and venture capital tools capable of satisfying their scale-up needs. The Innovation Center therefore brings venture finance and startups closer together, reduces the risks of failure through highly qualified consultancy and effective services, and proposes successful scenarios for its network, be it financial or industrial. In other words, we are a relational, advisory, and service bridge capable of satisfying all stakeholders.”

FINANCE, INNOVATION AND HIGH EDUCATION – The services include, first of all, facilitation towards Venture Capital finance made available by financial and corporate operators, the creation of Equity Crowdfunding campaigns, the drafting and optimization of Business Plans, the development of commercial and industrial partnerships with the partners most similar to innovative projects and the provision of operational services that allow the start-up to focus solely on the development of its business.

Thanks to a consolidated team of professionals with heterogeneous backgrounds (finance, legal, business management) who populate the various Divisions of the Group, the Business Unit can develop and accelerate the innovation ecosystem, taking care of end-to-end contacts, relationships, and negotiations with investors, and allowing customers to focus on developing their business.

Not only that: the Innovation Center is also Business Advisory, a Research & Development hub, an observatory for local strategies and, finally, offers advanced training services through the Phoenix Business School.

The development lines of the new Phoenix Innovation Center include, among other things, the progressive extension of relationships within its reference ecosystem and with institutions of national and international importance which will be communicated soon.

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